
2019年10月13日 星期日

Note for curtain wall

Facade curtain wall design

(for example: Given a 16 floor height building facade for curtain wall design. The structure frame has four 7.2m width spans with 3.6m for floor heights. )

A more general description for coding:

class Facade:
Mesh panelDissection
int[] panelTypes # -1 represent undecided
double[] panelInsulationLevel,
double[][] panelConstructionCostParameters
double[][] windLoadContourMap
double[][] solarRadiationContourMap)
DecisionTree dtree

def constructionCostEvaluation
def solarRadiationHeatGain

The architect needs to make decisions on the followings:

1. Dissections of the curtain wall
The choices for vertical dissections are one, two or three divisions for each span between columns. (just for example, can be any mesh though)
The choices for horizontal dissections are one, two or three divisions for each floor. (just for example, can be any mesh though)
The facade can be represented as a Mesh, with faces as panels on the curtain wall, edges as the supporting frame and vertices as the joints.

2. For each panel, the architect need to make choices among types of panels.
glazing with low E coating or regular
metal panel with high insulation or regular insulation


1. Construction cost evaluation: a function of panel geometry
double facadeConstructionCost( Mesh facade,
int[] panelType,
double[][] panelConstructionCostParameters
double[][] windLoadContourMap)

Construction cost of each panel depends on number of vertices, total edge length, surface area, and panel type.
For panels that need to withstand high wind pressure, extra cost proportional to the panel area is applied to the original cost.
A contour map on the estimated wind load is given. The wind load requirement for each panel is estimated with the surface integral of the wind load.

2. Energy consumption against solar radiation.
double facadeHeatGain( Mesh facade,
int[] panelType,
double[] panelInsulationLevel,
double[][] solarRadiationContourMap)

Total score is graded as the amount of heat gained directly or indirectly from solar radiation.
The insulation level of each type of panel is measured based on some experimental analysis.
Given a contour map that shows intensity distribution of solar radiation on the facade based on some simulations.
The head-gained of a panel is estimated as the product of its insulation level and the surface integral of solar radiation.
This is assuming the situation in the stage of conceptual design, when the architect has to decide the building mass with some concepts about the outlook. In most cases, building mass concerns site situations, urban code regulations and design objectives. The architect might come up with a few design alternatives for building mass, each of which would accommodate enough floor areas for required functional spaces and could be associated with some conceptual design schemes for the overall outlook of the building, probably illustrated with some sketches over the main facade or the entire building. The described setup starts at when the architect has decided the building mass and works on the elevations. When curtain wall has been chosen as one of the possible constructions for the part of the envelope, the architect might take her hands on decisions upon surface dissections and materials, for that would largely define how the building look like after constructed.
The architect may start to think about curtain wall dissections and materials with some knowledge regarding how building envelope may greatly affect the construction cost and energy consumption for the operation of the building. However, estimations on construction cost and energy consumption rely on surface material properties, distributions and quantities, which are unavailable until the design of building envelope system is completed.

void mcts( List facades, 
double[][] constructionCostParameters,
double[][] solarRadiationContourMap,
double[][] windLoadContourMap,
The objective is to find good facade designs that fulfill both construction cost and energy saving criteria. The search starts with a facade’s unfinished design as a mesh, with none or some panels assigned with panel types. The search process starts to do expansion, simulation and back propagation and continuously updates and shows the expected value of current partial design. The designer may run serval design alternatives at the same time. The designer may choose any of the design alternative to go on for more detail design, which is to assign some panels with some specific types. The process goes on until the designer finally choose types for every panels.
