
2014年1月4日 星期六

數位。山水。賦流形 - 天津大學設計院張華建築師的競圖設計構想


The Digital Trans-Formation of the Nature


Precision machine industry is one of the most successful economic developments of Taichung. Sustainability of the environment has been the highest value pursue by the citizens. This project sets efforts to putting the technology of the precision machine industry on the basis of humble attitude towards the Mother Nature. The Taichung City Cultural Center will be the focal point that integrates technological, economic, cultural, and environment friendly activities. The project will also launch the landmark that symbolizes the proud achievement of economic development of the region, and the wisdom of appreciating the unpretentious position towards the natural environment.


Transparent, penetrative, wrinkle, and skeletal methods are presentational skills derived from natural forms, which are often used in various arts such as poetry, calligraphy, and painting. They are the form formation methods for the design of this project. 「流形」is composed of two Chinese characters that represent “transitional” and “formation” respectively. The term, in ancient poetry, is used for apprehending the elegance of natural forms such as river, mountain and star. The term「流形」 is also used for translating the mathematical term “manifold”, which means topological spaces with curvature in higher dimensions. Computer aided design and manufacturing systems enable architects to design and fabricate 「流形」or “manifolds” that embed natural forms into the artifacts they design and build. Thereafter, the project is titled as 「數位。山水。賦流形」, “The Digital Trans-Formation of the Nature”.


The form of object is a function of time, or a section in the four dimensional space-time. Trans-Formation, or「流形」,  characterizes the transition from solid to fluid, from static to dynamic, from simple to complex, from lifeless to living, from physical to virtual, from rectilinear to curved, from two dimensional to three dimensional…


The Taichung City Cultural Center will display original spatial experience with her spatial formation. The vanishing point of perspective vanishes through the continuous transition of the eyesight. Her body ceaselessly transforms, guides the viewers with seamless and dynamic focal points for the appreciation of the remarkable experience within the Digital Trans-Formation of the Nature.
